Friday, March 25, 2011


The universe is the most amazing thing. Even the beautiful T from Acne.

Monday, March 14, 2011

(Nearly) Summer!



Miss the feeling of just throwing on, a t-shirt, a pair of shorts and sunglasses. Can't wait.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

A day at ELLE

Some days ago I was with my sister Maria at her job at ELLE Magazine. She is a fashion assistent, and I got to go around with her, doing some simple assignments. I thought that when it was such an acknowledged magazine, there would be at least a hundred employees, so I was surprised to see that there were only twelve! It was a really cool place with alot of nice people, and there were these huge editions of ELLE's frontpage for this month, so they could decide wich one to choose. Because it was the day before the fashionweek in Milan, Maria had to call all the fashion brands to confirm all the tickets to the fashionshows, and other events. It was such a prestige full place, and all the employees were dressed like they had just won an Oscar! I even met the chief editor, and she thought I was the new fashion assistent! (when she walked in the room, I nearly hid myself under the table)
When it was time to go, I walked out of the door with an ELLE Magazine and a feeling that I could conquer  the world.
The best day ever!